Five Golden Gifts from Santa dad!

It is recommended that the parents should start saving for the child's future from the day the child is born.It is said that earlier to start,it is better for the child.

Now lets analyze the current scenario in India and see why it is important to invest in gifts which are beneficial in the long run than concentrating of gift which makes your child happy for short time.According to the survey by an external agency, a middle class family spends around average twenty five lakhs on the education of his child from primary education till the end of college life. With tuition fees almost doubling over the past ten years and expenses increasing at high rate,it is predicted that in next ten years education will be more expensive and the college tuition fees expected to increase twice or thrice of present times.Other major reason is that the present scenario requires a person to be employable must complete post-secondary education and to be atleast graduate and preferred to be post graduate and it is predicted that education qualification will be bound to more advanced for any job and so it is more important to see that child have enough money to upgrade his skills and knowledge.

Five Golden Gifts that can change my child Life and I would love to gift my child are :-

1.Love,Affection and Care and Time are priceless gifts
I would love to make sure my child is happy all times.As children are always looking for constant attention and hugs plus cuddles bole to Jaadu ki Jhaapi.This help my child to feel safe and comfort him.It is essential that I give enough time to my child and should try to help him if he/she is scared or upset and understand him.When I come from office I want to take my child for a ride in car or play with him some child games or play cricket.

My loving mom
2. Piggy Bank 
Children love toys and giving a small piggy bank to my child is best way to start where my child can put his pocket money.It is good for me as a parent to encourage my child to save his earnings and collect somewhere.This way may be child will understand the value of money too! 

3. Gift of Knowledge
Yes ,I am talking about Education which is key to child personality and an essential human virtue.Education builds self confidence and child's personality and gives power to the child to know difference between what is right and what is wrong.It helps the child to make right decisions in the life and a good human being .I will make sure my child goes to school and then follow his passion what he/she likes and what he/she want to become in future.No force or my decision on him.

4.Insurance Policies for Financial Security
I will make sure that I have some insurance policy covering accidental,medical and health of my child so that the child does not have any problems in case I am not there or when I am out of town or there is lack of funds.Insurance policies can be lifeline in emergency situations.
I would love to have HDFC young insurance plan for my child in future as it covers everything what I need for my child security.

5.Fixed Deposit Scheme 
Best and secure way is to have fix deposit in the bank or taking up post office national saving schemes. These are time deposits with a fixed interest rate are real asset and can double your money which on maturity can be withdrawn, along with the accrued interest.These schemes are profitable investment in the long run and they can help in securing child future financial needs.I will make sure I buy these schemes on child first birthday and then withdraw it when my child is around 18 years old and gift the money as birthday gift.

This post is a part of the 1001 Gifts Activity by HDFC Life in association with BlogAdda.

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