#MagicOfWarmth Moments

Sometimes small criticism or change can bring a new revolution in this world and no better example is when you get the magic of warmth from your near and their unconditional love. They think about me and care for me without any expectation. I am happy with my life which comes with full freedom and no commitments. And all this happen due to warm blessing and my parents love.

 I want to share my story with you regarding how the small warmth of touch moment changed my life completely.I share my pimple story which has been on my face right from childhood and has caused so much trouble in my life. It has been following me everywhere and school, college affecting my face value and personality. At the early stage, I often used to go in the front of mirror and try to prick the pimple so that it could disappear quickly but just after few hours, I could find another one coming and thick pigment would evolve which gave rise to many more. I hate pimples on my face as it lowers my self confidence and people start staring at me and often try to make fun of me. In my school, pimples used to be the cause and reason when my class mates used to bully me and tried to call me with weird name. Also when going for a college trip or a family photograph, I always prefer to stand behind and hide my face or use glasses and other things to avoid getting a bad picture. Even when I had to get my passport size photograph for the interview and other important documents, I had to use Adobe Acrobat and other computer software to get my pimples outlined and has a clear face.

Then a point came where I felt to close all the doors and cry. But my sister came to rescue me with her pair of warm hand which she put to my head and told me to stay calm. She made me changed my mind and told me to think positive rather than brooding too much about it. Her yoga lessons and simple remedies made my face look clear and pimple free. Their care for me and looking after me act as an extra element like a special protection layer. It helps to take our relationship to the next level and speak out their emotions for me.
This warmth and taking care of each other in different situations has really been my strength. A small hand of someone and close can do so much to our life which we realize only later.

“I’m blogging about my #MagicOfWarmth moment at BlogAdda in association with Parachute Advansed Hot Oil

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